by S-Effect | Sep 29, 2018 | Monthly Plans, News
With recent updates in major browsers having a secure website, communicating with an encrypted connection, is no longer an option, its a must. Due to recent changes in web browsers customers will see things like this in the popular chrome browser when visiting your...
by S-Effect | Feb 15, 2018 | Monthly Plans, News
S-Effect is now offering all inclusive monthly plans. We’ve done our homework and looked into customer needs and what they we’re spending and have come up with all inclusive monthly plans that both save money and allow for a single low monthly payment to...
by S-Effect | Jun 15, 2017 | Advertising, News, SEO
Todays search result pages are a myriad links to various types of content beyond just the standard Web page. There are links to videos, map listings, ads, integrated Wiki listings, just to name a few. One of the most important developments concerning online stores...
by S-Effect | Jul 23, 2016 | News
What can pictures say about your business? If they are blurry they can say a lot and not in a good way. With modern displays using resolutions unheard of in the past pictures that looked good 5 years ago on most screens could look a whole lot different on most screens...
by S-Effect | Apr 10, 2016 | News
All too often we see clients deciding not to enter into a proper maintenance contract or develop a maintenance plan once they have a great new application website up and running. Keeping up to date is critical in todays landscape as hackers are always waiting for...